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    • Stone house
    • Farmhouse
    • House with land
    • Rustic property
    • Rural house
  • House/Chalet
    • Single family house
    • Villa
    • Solar house
    • Terraced house
    • House
  • Building
    • Building
    • Hostel
  • Garage
    • Parking
  • Premises or Warehouse
    • Business
    • Business Premise
  • Office
    • Office
  • Apartment
    • Apartment
    • Duplex
    • Flat
    • Triplex
  • Land
    • Building Site
    • Rural Land
    • Urban Plot of land

  • All
  • Rustic house
    • Village house
    • Stone house
    • Farmhouse
    • House with land
    • Rustic property
    • Rural house
  • House/Chalet
    • Single family house
    • Villa
    • Solar house
    • Terraced house
    • House
  • Building
    • Building
    • Hostel
  • Garage
    • Parking
  • Premises or Warehouse
    • Business
    • Business Premise
  • Office
    • Office
  • Apartment
    • Apartment
    • Duplex
    • Flat
    • Triplex
  • Land
    • Building Site
    • Rural Land
    • Urban Plot of land

Farmhouse Alos de Balaguer

60.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    406 mts


60.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    406 mts

Farmhouse - Alos de Balaguer (ALÓS DE BALAGUER)

66.900 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    63 mts

Flat - Tremp

73.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    50 mts

Apartment - La Pobla de Segur

73.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    50 mts

Apartment - La Pobla de Segur

79.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    58 mts

Apartment - Isona i Conca Della (Area de tremp 1)

82.900 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    60 mts

Apartment - La Pobla de Segur (Pobla de Segur La)

85.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    60 mts

Apartment - La Pobla de Segur (Pobla de Segur La)

125.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    440 mts

House - Conca de Dalt (Rivert)

125.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    440 mts

Stone house - Conca de Dalt (Rivert)

125.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    148 mts

Apartment - Tremp

127.900 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    104 mts

Duplex - Soriguera (Baro)

135.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    250 mts

House - Castello de Farfanya (NOGUERA)

149.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    455 mts

Farmhouse - Artesa de Segre (Montargull)

150.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    266 mts

Triplex - Oliana (Centro)

189.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    406 mts

Farmhouse - Alos de Balaguer (ALÓS DE BALAGUER)

199.500 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    162 mts

Terraced house - Isona i Conca Della (Pallars Jussà)

219.900 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    183 mts

Terraced house - Sort (Estac)

225.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    301 mts

House - Tremp

234.900 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    1572 mts

Farmhouse - Senterada

310.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    431 mts

Building - Tremp

359.999 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    1636 mts

House with land - Tremp

379.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    310 mts

House - Isona i Conca Della (Bisacrri)

429.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    748 mts

Farmhouse - Gavet de la Conca

445.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    481 mts

Terraced house - Tremp (Figols de tremp)

532.900 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    793 mts

House - La Torre de Cabdella (Pirineos)

770.000 €
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    471 mts

House with land - Arseguel (Arsèguel)

520 €/month
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    60 mts

Apartment - La Pobla de Segur (Pobla de Segur La)

3000 €/month
  • Reference
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Surface
    286 mts

House - Salas de Pallars (Rivert)

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Rael Sáez
Managing Director
The Answer: Yes, it is possible.
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Sales Director
The peace of mind of getting it right.
Sandra Expósito
Don't wait, now is the time!
Oriol Carrere
High Pyrenees and Aran Sales
Luck does not exist, it is only work, good decisions and wishful thinking.
Àlex Farrero
Ponent & Lleida Sales
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Real estate properties generate revenue when revalued.   There is no possible discussion when it comes to arguing that improving the property generates value, therefore progress. As a result, the price rises accordingly, and with the conversion, equity.   This is no different. Home staging is only a name for a concept that has always existed. If you work on fine-tuning something to be the maximum exponential of itself, you just align with the natural course of evolution. "Be the best you can be".    Some clients look at home staging as a cost. When it is in fact an investment. “Why would I bet on a—perhaps never occurring—sale?" You can think at first. However, if you have such an approach, the possibilities of converting the sale reduce dramatically. And I am not saying it is not an acceptable approach, which it is. But if you simply want this chance to drastically increase, you must ensure you are available to analyse and exploit all aspects of the operation. And when it comes to that, there are two main ones: the market and the asset. Well, you can’t control the market, so you need to focus on the asset. If you invest in it, you are unequivocally aiming for succession, simplifying the negotiation process, whether it is for renting or selling.   We have proven that investing in HomeStaging is a smart move, allowing you to benefit from larger profits in much less time. Speaking of profitability here, which simply combines time and resources and, in their best form, the results can be optimal, but if you don’t have a business approach, you won’t be walking the fastest path to success.   Home staging can be counterproductive and costly in time and money for non-professionals, reducing the chances of success. What translates to overspent energy if you are not familiar with the processes? However, you can take advantage of our expertise now, as we do specialise in all aspects of the operation. And also, take care of Home Staging to make your property spaces shine as they should in a professional way.   We ensure you, as a client, can choose from a variety of services and prices, bringing you a taylor-made solution. Get in touch.   
Are you interested in buying your first home, but don't want to get started and don't know if you have enough people to eat or if you want to commit to a specific place? Surely more than once you've been stuck in a house with an option to buy and you've wondered what benefits you have and how you can take advantage of them. I'll explain it all to you below. First of all, what is a rent to own contract? The rent to own contract is a double or mixed contract. That is to say, it includes a rental contract and a purchase contract. In this way, the tenant can reside in the property for a certain period and, after this period, he/she will decide whether he/she wants to buy or not, and the dates paid will be totally or partially decompensated in addition to the down payment or deposit that is always requested. The rent will be regulated by the LAU (Ley de Arrendamientos Urbanos) and the purchase contract will be regulated by the Civil Code. Now, why and why can this type of contract be of interest? The most common situation in which a person may find rent to buy attractive is when he/she wants to buy a property in instalments, but is not sure if he/she wants to commit 100% or does not have sufficient financing to be able to make the purchase. Bearing in mind that financial institutions value having a previ stalvi of 20% of the value of the mortgage (as a general rule), plus more than 5-10% to be paid in taxes, this would be the perfect alternative to be able to reach the desired amount. What is the benefit? Pots estalviar durant el temps que dura el contracte de lloguer. Having a loan contract with option to buy facilitates the liquidation of the mortgage, since for the banks it is a positive thing to know about the person knowing that they have already paid a part of the house in advance. No descapitalitzacions des de l'inici, ajudant a la teva pròpia economia i flux de caixa mensual. The people who invest in the lloguer do not lose out, but are invested in the purchase price. Asegúrate un pact pre-tancat amb l'propietari i no pot pujar el preu del preu de la finca si es revaloritza el immoble durant la vigència de la teva contracta. As it is regulated by the LAU, all rights as a tenant and includes the possibility to ask for rental subsidies. You can negotiate not to pay taxes or other expenses related to the ownership of the property, such as IBI or rubble heaps, during the term of the lease. What are the challenges? Sometimes a contractually agreed amount of the purchase value of the property, which is still 5-20% of the total price, must be paid in advance. This import will be lost if the property is not finally purchased. Contact us for more information: [email protected] (+34) 973 087 729  ondahousing.net
We live in a world of constant movement and change, and one of the most critical concerns of our society is access to housing. According to various studies over the last few years, bearing in mind that we have gone through a global pandemic, it is considered increasingly difficult for young Spaniards to emancipate themselves in the country's rental market. The offers are very rigid and with little room for negotiation. That is why we want to ask you that, if you have a flat that you do not use, you consider the option of renting it out and facilitating access to housing for many young people who want to become independent. You can count on us to help you filter candidates, study the feasibility of the procedure, check that all requirements are met, and carry out the management in the shortest possible time. An unused house does not generate any income or productivity, so below we explain some of the advantages of renting it out: 1. Financial help to cover community expenses, IBI, other supplies or home insurance. 2. Functionality is given to the living space and, therefore, it will have constant maintenance by the tenants, in order to ensure proper functioning over the years. 3. You prevent your flat from being in danger of being occupied. It is a very long and very thorough process to get your flat back if it has been occupied, so renting it can save you a lot of trouble. What do you think? Contact us for more information: [email protected] (+34) 973 087 729 ondahousing.net
Above all, an exclusivity contract means that, while the sale of your property is in our hands, you will not be able to sell it by any other means.   This may seem like it only brings benefits to the real estate company, but what advantages does it bring to you? 1. The time to make the sale is reduced. Real estate agents move much faster, investing all their efforts in selling your property. 2. Improves the sale price. The agency wants to get the best price for you, since it is reflected in their commissions. In addition, they will not compete with the rest of the agencies when it comes to making offers. However, the agency will increase the possibility of sale by collaborating with other marketers, but this will not affect your sale price, only their commissions. 3. Greater transparency towards the buyer. As there is only one price on the market, there will be no controversy about the sale price. 4. Increases the safety of the operation. The real estate company will make sure that the house is in the best conditions to be able to sell and promote it in the best possible way, taking into account the legal aspects and/or mortgage charges that it may have. 5. The agency advises you and offers you the set-up of your property, also known as home staging. In this way, it is visually more attractive to potential buyers. 6. Deals only with an interlocutor and negotiator. You or your agent will know all aspects of the home and know where to focus the buyer's attention.   In short, giving the exclusive to your real estate agency is a gain, since you gain peace of mind and improve the sale price. The agency will put all its efforts into studying the market, improving its ads with the best technology and advertising, and getting the best possible deal.   Working with several real estate agents at the same time does not necessarily translate into more visits, since in many cases, it is the same clients who are interested in your property and compare the offers of the different real estate agents. Therefore, the same visit can result in negotiations on the price and you end up obtaining the cheapest deal for the buyer, but the least beneficial one for you.   Contact us for more information: [email protected] (+34) 973 087 729 / 873 991 987 ondahousing.net
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In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), 
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ONDAhousing PMS S.L. - B25857855
Av / Espanya 5, 25620 Tremp, Pallars Jussà (Lleida)
[email protected]
+34 973987729

Responsable: Rael Saez

Finalidad: To send information about real estate that match the requirements of the client presented by filling this form.

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With regard to the aforementioned data, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification and cancellation in the terms established in the organic law by means 
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ONDAhousing PMS S.L.- B25857855
Av / Espanya 5, 25620 Tremp, Pallars Jussà (Lleida)
[email protected]
+34 973087729

Responsable: Rael Saez

Finalidad: To send information about your property to the real estate agency so it can evaluate if it will offer your property to its clients to try to sell or rent it.

Legitimación: The legitimacy is based on the consent you gave us when clicking the button “I accept the data protection policy”.

Destinatarios: The client’s data won’t be transferred to anyone, if not for legal obligation. The real estate’s data might be delivered to collaborating real estate agencies or published on web pages and real estate portals.

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With regard to the aforementioned data, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification and cancellation in the terms established in the organic law by means 
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ONDAhousing PMS S.L.- B25857855
Av / Espanya 5, 25620 Tremp, Pallars Jussà (Lleida)
[email protected]
+34 973087729

Responsable: Rael Saez

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With regard to the aforementioned data, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification and cancellation in the terms established in the organic law by means 
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ONDAhousing PMS S.L.- B25857855
Av / Espanya 5, 25620 Tremp, Pallars Jussà (Lleida)
[email protected]
+34 973087729

Responsable: Rael Saez

Finalidad: To handle information requests through the website, aiming to offer real estate professional services and to give information about what’s requested.

Legitimación: The legitimacy is based on the consent you gave us when clicking the button “I accept the data protection policy”.

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ONDAhousing PMS S.L. obtains from various forms of the website personal data and information of users in order to store and / or use them in relation to this user.
data provided by users will be incorporated into an automated file owned by the corresponding company.

ONDAhousing PMS S.L. undertakes to process the personal data of users in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations and, in particular, to process
confidentially the personal data of the user to which he has access as a result of his navigation on the website.

With regard to the aforementioned data, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification and cancellation in the terms established in the organic law by means 
of a communication addressed to:
ONDAhousing PMS S.L.- B25857855
Av / Espanya 5, 25620 Tremp, Pallars Jussà (Lleida)
[email protected]
+34 973087729
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), 
the company's identifying data are set out below:

ONDAhousing PMS S.L. - B25857855
Av / Espanya 5, 25620 Tremp, Pallars Jussà (Lleida)
[email protected]
+34 973987729
When you press the button “SEND” you confirm you’ve read, understood and accepted the conditions of our Privacy Policy shown in this LINK
When you press the button “SEND” you confirm you’ve read, understood and accepted the conditions of our Privacy Policy shown in this LINK